Home > Summer 2024
Summer 2024
Longview Public Library
Primary Contact Information:
Volunteers can contact Leah Shreves at lshreves@longviewtexas.gov
Volunteer Needs:
- 10 volunteers depending on availability.
- 10 volunteers depending on availability.
- We do require a background check, but other than that no special requirements.
Materials and Resources:
- We can always use assistance with summer reading prizes. such as coupons for restaurants or food/water donations for our kick-off and end parties.
Program Details:
- We are doing some events off-site this year, which makes it harder for our teen interns to attend. Storytime and Family Bingo at Broughton and the performers at Pine Tree Auditorium are our greatest need.
Additional Support:
- Beyond volunteering, are there other forms of support that would be beneficial (e.g., sponsorships, training for volunteers)? Sponsorships are always welcomed.
Pine Tree ISD
Primary Contact Information:
Primary Contact Name: Dr. Lisa Mullins
Primary Contact Email: lmullins@ptisd.org
Primary Contact Phone Number: (903) 295-5000 Ext. 1754
Volunteer Needs:
- Number of Volunteers Needed: 5
- Roles and Responsibilities of Volunteers: reading to students
- Preferred Days and Times for Volunteer Support: June 3-June 27 (Monday – Thursday) 9:00-10:30
- Specific Skills or Backgrounds Required: Love working with children and willing to build relationships with them through sharing the love of reading/literature
Materials and Resources:
- At the end of reading with a student, the volunteer could give
them the book to read at home.
Program Details:
- Goals for Volunteer Support: This would occur during our summer school and provide an opportunity for an
adult to read to some of our students.